Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mary L- Flamingo

I took this picture during spring break. I edited this picture in photoshop by first cropping the picture then turing it into black and white. I then added back the color to the flamingos. I really like the contrast of the black and pink which makes it stand out. 


Anonymous said...

Wow, this photo is really cool! I think you did a good job capturing a photo of the flamingos, and I think your'e right, the pink really does stand out from the rest of the picture. The only thing I would say is that when I looked closely around the flamingos, I could notice that you weren't very careful when you restored the color to them. If you clean that up and maybe play with the hue and saturation, this photo would be really cool!

Anonymous said...

This is really beautiful!

I love how you manipulated this picture, because I like the idea of colorsplashing. There were a few places where you could've done a little better (like around the main flamingo's head) but other than that it's really good.

Another thing I really liked about the editing is how soft the feathers seem on both the pink flamingos and those you made black and white.

The picture is very bright and even things that aren't colored seem very vibrant due to the bright white, and I love that.

Good job!
-Danae A.