Monday, May 15, 2023

Evan S- Trip Down Memory Lane

 I call this image “Trip Down Memory Lane”. The original photo was taken in my room, but all of it's photos combined were taken all over Hoover and Birmingham. It was taken with my Nikon 3000. I added many images, as well as upping the contrast and color. I think it could use some more depth.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful image. I love the combination of photos and "memories" - the colors look really nice together. I also really like how it sort of pops out at you and grabs your attention. super cool.
- LQ

Anonymous said...

This is so creative! I love how you decided to put everything together in a flower. It feels very cosmic and overall cohesive. Only thing I may have tried to do is make the background darker. Overall very cool!

Maci J- HHS

Anonymous said...

I love this image because the idea is so creative! I love flowers and I like how you incorporate a story into it. I agree that you could've added a little more depth and maybe a cleaner job on the edges of each photo, other than that it looks great!

Anonymous said...

I really like this picture and how it is all put together with all of the different pictures. It is very unique, I think that the lighting could be a little lower but it I really great.