Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Sasha F- Luna De Fuego

 The name of this picture is Luna De Fuego. It was taken with my Iphone 11 on Thursday after hiking at Moss Rock with some of my friends. The Moon was a beautiful orange color and was huge. It felt like the moon was on fire. I edited by adding highlighting changing the brightness, shadows, and the black points to it. I would have changed it by zooming in more and make it focus more on how big it was.


Anonymous said...

This is a super cool picture! I like how the moon is the main point of the picture. I do agree with you about the camera quality, someone has to buy a specific camera to get good pictures of the moon! But I really like this picture and the landscape at the bottom adds a nice touch! -Anna

Anonymous said...

I like this photo a lot. The lightning is good but the exposure on the moon is a little too bright in my opinion. I like how the moon is centered and that the bottom of the image is dark. I like this image but the clarity could be a little better!

Maddie R - HHs