Tuesday, December 8, 2020

ANTHONY R- Neonconv

 The title of the image I chose for this assignment is “Neonconv”. It was taken in my car during the day time. It was taken on an iphone XR . I only edited a few things in this photo.  One, I used the spot healing brush to remove unmarked dirt spots. Also I changed the color sliders to make the shoes look cool and retro in a way. I could have made this photo better by taking it with a real camera which I did noy have at the time. 


Anonymous said...

I really like this picture because of the alt kind of aspect of it. I like how you edited it to make it almost seem like it was taken on camera from the 90s. I also like how the green pops. If there were one thing that I would do different, it would be that I wouldn't increase the green in the entire image, but just on the green parts, but that is just preference. It's still a great picture either way. - LW - Hoover

Anonymous said...

Clean and Beautiful, I like it. You did well on using the healing brush because it looks really looks good. The shoes really looked cool. Overall, the picture looks great and bright. RL-HHS