Friday, November 1, 2019

Mitchell C - Untitled

This was taken in a park area September 21 and I took it with my 6d Canon camera body and used a 85mm 1.8. to shoot this image. I converted this image to a black and white to and drama and affect. There is a lot of height in this image and when I was editing this image I tried adjusting the crops but I found that it was the most visually appealing and interesting at the height that it was at. The background was created by lowering my aperture. I feel that the subject slightly blends into the background and that is probably due to it being a black and white. I also think that her eyes are a little dark and could have possibly lightened them a bit when I was editing it but overall I really love this image!


Anonymous said...

I really like the focus on this photo. I love the black and white area. It really sets the mood. The photo is balances really well. I like this photo. Great job

Anonymous said...

I love this picture, I think Brooke makes an outstanding model! The lighting and the background looks perfect with her style and position. The angle in which it was taken was really good and the focus between her and the background contrasts perfectly! Great job!