Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Madeline. P.- Washington D.C.

 This Photo was taken  when I went to Washington DC. I took this picture with my phone and using portrait camera. To edit this photo I used adjust and gave a little bit of brilliance and gave a little bit of contrast. This picture could be better if it would be taken a little bit more  farther. I went to Washington DC because I had a religion event at this day.


Anonymous said...

I think that this image is pretty. I like the contrast and the light bright colors. The only thing I would of changed about this image is to have it taken at a wider angle and straighten the camera. I think it would also look pretty cool to have a different filter on the image but just for fun. Overall I think this image is pretty good.

Anonymous said...

Jamari-overall this is a great picture but there is too much brightness. it would be better if the building was in the middle

Kara Anderson said...

This picture is great but it is blurry. You could have focused more on the person and the monument. You could have added more light. The exposure is not that great. It is not always great to take pictures with your phone. You should have taken it closer not farther in my opinion. It would have covered more of the subject. You could have taken it at an angle where you could get the whole monument and the person where it was not as blurry.