Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Natalie S- ICEE

This picture was taken outside of my house while we were out of school. I took this with my iPhone 5s. I edited this picture by adding the same picture on top of it and editing it differently, making a contrast between the two pictures. I made the top picture more darker to show more of the details of the ice. I could have edited the bottom picture but I liked how its unedited to show the difference. Before and after. Overall i like how the picture turned out and I thought it would be cool to edit it two times.


Anonymous said...

This is a very confusing photo. I can not easily tell what the focus (subject) of this photo is. It would be VERY helpful if I knew what was going on.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea you had in mind with this photo but I don't think it is very obvious what the focus is. If one of the pictures was an actual close up shot of the ice where details were more visible, it would have turned out pretty cool. There isn't many differences or much attention drawn to the detail of the snow
lara m - hhs