Thursday, November 3, 2022

Patrick C - Achievement

The title of the image is Achievement, I chose this name because my brothers have also graduated from Hoover High and have their rings and I just got mine even though I’m still a senior.  It was taken in my backyard on the railing of my deck during the day.  It was taken with a nikon d40x digital camera.  The edits I made were to enhance the saturations to make the color of the gems show more.  For this image, I wish I made it to where all of the rings were in focus and not just 2.



Anonymous said...

The photo looks amazing and I like the color and the clarity the picture gives. The detail is great and the lighting is wonderful to where it makes the gems look wonderful.

Anonymous said...

This photo looks really cool. The detailing around the ring is very sharp and defined against the background, which looks good. Its true the ring closest to the photo is a little out of focus but I still think it looks fine.

Maci J- HHS