Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Dori H- Forest Snake

 This picture was taken at the Georgia Aquarium in 2020, this picture only has a little contrast editing. I love marine life but I love snakes even more. This is an Emerald Tree Boa, a bright emerald green color. They easily blend into their surroundings living in the rainforests. They hunt by reaching down from branches and grabbing their prey, pulling it back up to the tree, and constricting it. Fun fact: their diet sometimes consists of monkeys but mostly small rodents. 


Anonymous said...

This is pretty cool! But why was there a snake at the aquarium? Anyways, like that you used the lighting that was already set up for you. I also like how the photo doesn't show the enclosure walls. This way it appears as though the snake is in the wild (besides the whole "backdrop" and ceiling thing). If I had to say something, I'd say it would've been nice to have a closer shot of the snake itself. That way the focus of the photo would be a little more dynamic. Overall, I would've worked a little more on this photo myself but you did okay.

Benji H

Anonymous said...

This photo is sick, I like the way that the snake is such a vibrant green compared to everything around it. However, in order to make the photo a little better, I would just crop the lights out at the top to avoid other distraction in the photo
