Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Alex P - Human Galaxy

The title of the image I took is Human Galaxy because it kinda looks like a person floating in space with a galaxy around them. It was take November 19, 2019 in my photography class at Calera high school. It was taken with a NIKON D3200. I edited it with photoshop using brightness, contrast, levels, curves, and exposure settings but using no filter.  It could be better if the picture was originally darker so that the person in the photo was a little brighter but i was light in the background a little instead of dark. This is one of my favorite pictures I have taken and I am excited to share it.


Morgan H said...

Hey Alex, this picture is pretty bumpin'! I really like the exposure and all of the little lights surrounding the silhouette. I think it looks really cool with how dark it is, and if the person was lighter, it'd probably throw it off from the focus of the lights.

Anonymous said...

I really like this image! I think it has great exposure and the lighting looks very nice. I also think that the color and tonal range is nice, everything compliments well and makes the image better. Although there is a slight blur on the tree that is a bit out of focus everything else is fine! I think this image is a keeper and has a really nice simplistic aesthetic to it.


Anonymous said...

This is a really cool photo. I love light circling around the silhouette of the person. I also love the gree coming out. You did a really good job. Katie G. HHS

Anonymous said...

This picture is really cool! I love how it's in focus with the colors and the body. The colors are really well balanced, has an amazing look, and the exposure is amazing! Fantastic job! :D

Anonymous said...

this is a very good picture! I really like the circle light around the person. The lighting and color to this picture is very nice. Good job!›

Anonymous said...

This photo is different, I like it. You did good on the lighting in the photo. The background needs to be a little darker, but everything still came out amazing.

Anonymous said...

I love the the circle swirl behind them and how they look like a dark black figure with a green light coming from their hand. It looks magical and mysterious and it's dark. You captured this picture perfectly and edited it amazingly

Anonymous said...

This picture looks amazing. The lighting looks pretty good to me and there is just something about it that I like. I do think the background should be all black to make the guy's silhouette look cooler. Overall, good job.