Monday, December 9, 2019

Kameron M - Shattered Backboard

I call this photo “Shattered Backboard” because thats the name of the shoe featured, it was taken in a hotel room in Nashville with my Canon T7 Rebel. I edited the photo by changing the color and tone and converting to an HDR image. I think it could be better if I lowered the exposure and gamma.


Anonymous said...

Those shoes are looking terrible you should try some other shoes instead

Unknown said...

I love this picture and not just because my favorite brand is Jordan. I really like how the shoe is in good focus and how the items around it are a little blurred. I also like the color of the shoe. Everything else in the room is a dark gray or blackish color and looks dull. The loud orange of the shoe and the sharpness on the shoe adds more flare and focus to the subject, the shoe. I feel like if everything was around the same color tone and sharpness their wouldn't be as much focus and flare to the subject. This picture overall makes me feel awed and want to go buy the shoe.