Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Faye M- Flower Girl

The title of my selected image is “Flower Girl” because the subject is a girl holding sunflowers in her hands. It was taken around November 3rd and it was taken in my sister’s room, but the girl in the picture isn’t my sister. It was taken with my phone because I didn’t have my camera with me, the picture was a kind of impromptu thing. I edited it by increasing the saturation and decreasing the light while also trying to sharpen the image just a little. I wish the image wasn’t as grainy, but I didn’t expect very good quality from my phone camera. Even though I think it could be better, I think the girl’s smile is a good moment that I captured.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This picture isn't bad at all, it could just use some work. I love how she looks really joyful and that definitely sets the tone for this picture. However, as you said, the photo could have had a much better quality of a camera. Also the background, in my opinion, would look much better if she was standing in a more nature surrounded base. The colors in this photograph should be boosted to make the picture look more joyful than it already is. However, keep up the good work!