Thursday, April 27, 2017

Reid C - World

I love the monotone vibes that this picture gives me. I edited it by making it black and white, cropping out some of the sheets on the bottom right of the photo, and clearing up some of the imperfections on the surface and wall.


Anonymous said...

Dude, sick pic my guy. But for real, you did a great job with this image. The image does give off that monotone vibe that you described. I like how you used the contrast between the bottom and the top of the background to highlight the subject. My only complaint is that there is a weird imperfection in the bottom right-hand corner.

Anonymous said...

I really like this picture because of the angles in the picture like the desk and the shape of the globe and stand. I believe that this picture could have been better if it was taken at a different angle to allow there to be more of a shadow from the globe and if you better cleared up the right-potto edge. HHS ~Heath M.