Thursday, May 6, 2021

Sasha F- A Dreamy Moon

 This picture is called A Dreamy Moon. I thought it was  a really pretty full moon I took it on a Sunday night with my iPhone 11. I didn’t edit it but if I did I would have fixed up the moon a little bit.


Anonymous said...

I like this picture! I like how the moon peaks out of the trees. It might could be a little better if it was darker outside and you used the flash/ or not... to define the trees but get the color of the moon into the picture! This picture looks really good with the defiance of it though!

Anonymous said...

The photo seems a little overexposed from the surrounding light fixtures in the area. To fix this I would adjust my ISO speed to try to helo but as you were on your iPhone I oculd see how this would be an difficult shoit to get but I also think there may be a night setting for iPhones so this may have helped as well. The lighting was a little weird to me so I would have probably adjusted the levels in editing as well as messed with artificial lens flares and brightness levels to make the moon seem even brighter and the background seem darkers to create a contrast. I like the photo. I've personally never worked the moon as a subject for my shots because I generally like working at night because lighting is so difficult but as I see this photo, it make me want to overcome this hurdle.
Ginger S-HHS