Friday, May 11, 2018

Yuliana Z.-Friends Under the Sea

I titled this photo “Friends under the sea”. I took this picture on the 10th of April at the Birmingham Zoo. The tank of fish typically went unnoticed by everyone. It was just a small space for small, boring fish. But I saw it as the perfect place to capture my favorite picture of the day. I used a PENTAX K200D as my camera for the day that was loaned to me. It helped me capture the beauty of this fish that was simply skipped over. I used the Nik Collections detail extractor and tonal contrast to edit the picture. It brought much more life in vibrance to the small fish. The detail extractor helped to enhance the scales. eyes, fins and lips tremendously. With the tonal contrast, it Brough more green shades to the body, and helped to see the small particles that surrounded the fish in the water. This picture made me proud that I notice the little things people ignore and that I can show the incredible beauty in places where others don’t even bother to look. I honestly loved the outcome of the picture, I don’t know how else I’d change it but I’d love to hear how you would.


Anonymous said...

Nice picture that you took! I love the color green and the way the pictureI like how you use the NIkcollection goes well with it. I like how you edited on the small things that other dont noticed. If i could i would print this picture out and hang it in my room BECAUSE I LOVE FISH

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the color in this photo. It's really vibrant and the focus is also excellent. I like the angle and the lighting used in this photo as well. - Lauren B HHS

Unknown said...

It's a nice cool picture.I love the colors and the fish's position and I also like the particles in the water but i think you could've framed it better so the fish's head wouldn't be cut.I love the amount of focus it is on the fish makes the picture kinda creepy you know.

Anonymous said...

I really love this image and the way that the shot is taken makes me feel like I'm in the place this was taken! I love that the glass isn't visible because sometimes you can see a glare off the glass and it can ruin the image, but this is a very clear image. I also love the contrast and the bright green color that's represented! I wish I could see the lower part of the fish a little better, but other than the the picture is really awesome! -Megan C-HHS