Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Savy G- Snakey

This picture doesn’t really have a name. I took this at the Birmingham zoo in the reptile section. I edited this by darkening the picture a little bit. I also added a layer to make the eyes more red. I added detail on the scales to make them pop out more. I like this picture because the red eye really stands out and it looks like half of hoover high school. ;)


Anonymous said...

This picture is amazing. I like how the snake's eyes capture your attention. I wonder if it's one snake or two snakes because it looks like the snake could be two different colors which would be awesome. But overall I really dig the photo.

Anonymous said...

This picture is really cool! I love how you can see the texture and scales on the snake. I also like the different coloring, like how the top of the snake is a cream color and the bottom of the snake is dark. I do believe this photo would be better if there was better quality and the camera was focused better but other than that, Great Job!

Anonymous said...

SAVY THIS IA REALLYYYYYYY COOOLLLLLLLL, but i would lower the contrast to make it look better but other then that its AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Anonymous said...

This is super cool, the snake curled up is half in focus and then you notice the other snake on top of it. The snakes both look great and have a variety of colors, the framing/centering is just really well done! Great job.