Friday, March 15, 2019

David J- Stairway to Heaven

This image’s title is ‘Stairway to Heaven’. I named it this because it reminded the Led Zeppelin song. I changed the grass colors using the color effex in Nik collection. I got the halftone effect and border from chroma lab on my phone. I’m proud of how it turned out, but if I could change one thing, I would make the halftone effect less extreme.


Anonymous said...

The green glare like part of the picture doesn't make the photo look as good as it could be. From your reasoning why you took that picture and edited it the way it is, I can't tell if there is a main subject. When I saw the picture I was like is this anime? I don't like anime and seeing how you made it from a real photo to something like this just isn't that appealing.

Anonymous said...

i like the way of the picture it makes it look good but the only problem i have is the green coloring of it it need to be less green but other than that its fine

Jacob Dew said...

What a wonderfully unique picture this is. It's very stylistic & stands out very well. I think it's a bit too extreme towards the center. It kind of loses the details in the photo. Other than that this is a great piece.

Anonymous said...

I really like this picture because it almost looks like a piece of art. I think the composition f the lines like the straight lines of the stairs and the curve of the hill is very well done. The colors are interesting and eye-catching and this picture seems to have a lot of positive energy around it. The only thing I would change would be the amount of focus on the different elements, like the grass and the waterfall, but overall, an amazing picture!


Anonymous said...

I really love this picture! It gives me some 80 vibes and reminds me of how pictures in the old days were taken in a frame. Keep up the good work.