Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Victoria S- Black & White Record

This picture is called Black & White Record. It was taken at my house on October 23, 2024. It was taken with my iPhone. I edited it by decreasing the brilliance and increasing the exposure. As my final touch, I added a black and white filter over the photograph. I think it could have been better if I dusted off the record before taking a picture of it, but I also think it gives it a cool effect and almost resembles stars in the night sky. 



Anonymous said...

This looks really cool yet also look so simple. I like the texture on the records, you don't need to dust it off in my opinion. This is a great picture, keep taking more!

Anonymous said...

This photo is very cool, I like the way the light reflects off the record and I think this photo looks good in black and white. CS-HHS

Anonymous said...

I love how simple it is like some of the comments say. It really looks like am album cover of somekind. I disagree with the dust. I like that you kept it on to mae it look like stars

Anonymous said...

I really like this photo! The contrast on the record looks really cool. I like how it is in black and white also.