Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Branning C- Jeep

The title of this image is Jeep. It was taken at my moms house about 5 months ago. It was taken with a canon eos rebel. I did not edit it because I liked the way it looked originally. It would be better if I took time to edit it, or if I cropped some of it.


Anonymous said...

i like the vision on not editing this photo but if you did maybe bringing out the color on the jeep and the mud a little more. as well as defying some of the little aspects of the car. other than that i really like it, good job!

Anonymous said...

CL - HHS. I like how the focus is very sharp on the jeep. I think if you cropped in on the jeep and cut out whatever is in the right of the image it would look a little better, along with boosting the saturation and turning down the exposure. I really like the vibe that the photo is putting off, like the jeep has been on a long journey, but ready for another adventure.