Saturday, January 18, 2025

Kais C- Colorful Sun

 I call this image “Colorful Sun” I took it on my phone 13 pro in atlanta georgia. I used basic editing such as curves to help with the colors and also using saturation and brightness with vibrance. I think i could do without it being so colorful and making the main focus on the sunset and how beautiful it could’ve been without it.


Anonymous said...

I really like this photo! The colors are so pretty and I love the sunbeams at the bottom.

Anonymous said...

Nice sunbeam of the sun. I like the sky color too.

Anonymous said...

Boy dis so frickin tuff

Anonymous said...

I really like the coloring and saturation of the photo, except around the sun, it looks oversaturated.

Anonymous said...

I love this photo! the vibrance in the sky really stands out to me and the sun at the bottom of the picture really pops.

Anonymous said...

I absolutley love this photo. The contrast of the colors is beautiful! However, the colors look kind of artificial and overedited. BUT, that is a perfect fit for the mood of some photographs and I think that is exactly what you were going for here, so it fits! I think this was such an amazing capture. _RS HHS

Anonymous said...

I love how everything in this photo is so vibrant. It gives a cool vibe to it. I love the setting too. Good job!

Anonymous said...

i ike the sun it looks dank lil bro