Friday, May 10, 2024

Reagan P - Whats That?

 The title of this photo is “What's That?”. The photo was taken on April 7th at Aldredge Garden. This was taken with my Sony camera and I did not edit this photo in any way. I feel like the photo could be slightly better if some blemishes were edited out .


Anonymous said...

This is a nice photo. I really like how you were able to get a centered subject. It gives a strong focus to it and makes us look at that first. I also like how perspective is done with this image. There is a strong sense of how small the subject really is.

Anonymous said...

Incredible photo I like a lot and how you are focused. The title also gives him something special, good work 😊

Anonymous said...

Very good photo! I would change the lighting a little bit more as well as dim the background.