Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Morgan W- More Than A Library

My favorite image is titled “More Than a Library”. This was one of my panorama shots that I took at the school. I took around 13 shots and merged them together. When everything was merged I flattened the image and brought out every single color in the picture. This was definitely one of one of my favorites to edit. This was my first time taking a panoramic shot so that's something new that I know how to do. I enjoyed being able to go around the school and take a bunch of random pictures.



Anonymous said...

I like the focus on the center. I really like the fact that it's a panoramic shot, I rarely see these. I like how it's whatthe photo is of is what the story is.

Anonymous said...

I like that the DOF is shallow. I think it really helps the image to feel like its showing the full subject. However, I feel like the cropping could have been tighter on the subject to better balance the photo. I feel that the subject of the photo is important in helping the photographer to show off the sense of knowledge that comes from being in a library. E. B. -HHS