Friday, March 7, 2025

Chandler D- Disney

The Title of This image is Disney. This photo was taken in Orlando Florida last year. I took this photo with my iPhone 14. To edit this picture I increased some of the details in the picture and enhanced the colors on the buildings. This photo could be better if I increased the brilliance.


Anonymous said...

very beautiful shot, and good job catching the fireworks in it.

Anonymous said...

This is a cool shot! I like the bright colors, and how you captured the fireworks. The only thing I think could be better is the angle of the picture. MB- HHS

Anonymous said...

This picture is SO magical. I love how you were able to capture the firework in the perfect time. The colors absolutley glow in the dark. the only thing I could think to edit is the darkness down at the bottom that cuts into the castle. Maybe it coulda been cropped more? rs hhs