Friday, February 7, 2025

Rachel S- Cat

 This picture is titled “Cat.” It was taken up in Springville over Christmas break. I dont love the murky colors of the sky and ground but I think the beautiful orange of the cat contrasts it. I edited this picture by cropping it so that the cat was more central. I am proud of this picture but compliments to the model because she really did all the work. 


Anonymous said...

This is a cool picture. I like the colors and how the cat is obviously the main focus. CT

Anonymous said...

I really like this picture. The focus on the cat is perfect and I actually really like the murkiness of the background! Like you said, it introduces contrast and it also creates a consistent color pallet. I think the photo could be better by photoshopping out the wood frame in the back-left, but it's a small detail. Overall, the picture is awesome and reminds me strongly of the first book of the Warriors series.

Anonymous said...

A very simple but great photograph. I love the everything about the cat.

Anonymous said...

I think the murky colors are just fine! They if anything make the cat pop instead. The pallet seems to fit really well together. Give extra pats to the model, she is stunning.

Anonymous said...

I like the composition of this picture, with the cat walking straight toward the camera and the out-of-focus background. Also, the colors in this photo create a really cool mood. MB- HHS

Anonymous said...

I really like this photo! The image is very sharp and focuses very well on the cat. To try and fix the murky sky, you could enhance the saturation a bit on a different layer and edit the edited sky onto the base image. However, I think this image is great nonetheless. Great job!