Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Mary Alex R- Thinking

 This is a picture of my little sister looking at something and “Thinking”. I took this picture in my room with my Nikon D5100 this past weekend. I did a lot of editing to this picture by lowering the saturation, adding vignette, reducing the noise, lowering the curves, lowering the contrast, and sharpening some parts of her hair. It could’ve definitely been better if the background was more visually appealing. 


Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful picture. I love how it's in black and white. This photo shows a lot of emotion and could be interpreted in many different ways

Anonymous said...

I love this picture its really nice, I really like how the way it was taken makes it look like they were thinking and that they were in a sad mood. The black and white makes the picture look sad but its a very nice picture. - RL

Anonymous said...
