Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Maggie P - Happy Birthday

 I took this photo for a birthday party gig back in November. I re-edited the photo just now to improve the values and color grading cause I wasn’t as good at editing as I am now. I used blending modes and masks to darken the background a little bit and make sure the subject popped. I also made sure to let the pinks stay nice and vibrant without fully washing over the photo.


Anonymous said...

I think that this image is very good. I really like how you made everything super bright and pretty. Next time I would try to make it a little less blurry. Other than that great job! LD-HHS

Anonymous said...

i really like this image for the sole fact you can tell how much fun this little girl is having. i don't have much to critique, i quite like this photo as is - HC HHS

Anonymous said...

So fun and colorful! The colors really make the photo pop, along with how good the quality of the overall piece is. And she is adorable!

Anonymous said...

I love the candid captured in this photo, and the way you’ve edited the colors to create a warm vibe while highlighting the pink.