Friday, February 21, 2025

Maddie B- Tinted Portrait

 This picture is called Tinted Portrait. It’s a picture of me in my backyard. I set up my camera with a tripod and used the timer on it to take the picture. I edited it by making the picture black and white and then re-coloring parts of it by hand, so it looks kind of faded and softer compared to the original. It could possibly be better if I added a little more color to some of the plants in the background.


Anonymous said...

This is so pretty! You did an excellent job re-coloring parts of the picture! I love the faded look and softness of the colors. It gives off a very peaceful and somber vibe. -V.S. HHS

Anonymous said...

hey fine shyt

Anonymous said...

AAahhhh you're so gorgeous!! I love the sharpness of the image, but also how the background has a soft feel. I think you did an excellent job framing yourself according to the rule of thirds, making it a more interesting picture. The soft colors look really good, you did such a good job recoloring this. All in all, a really cute photo!! The photo has a 'peaceful in nature' feeling. CL - HHS.