Friday, February 21, 2025

Lamon J- Retail Worker

 Since I caught a retail worker in this photo, I named this portrait “Retail Worker.” (very creative I know). I was in Von Maur at the mall when I saw this guy. I thought his outfit was pretty cool so I got a candid shot. Unfortunately, I couldn’t work up the courage to get closer to sneak a shot of his whole outfit, so this is the best I could do. The edit here is a bit experimental of what I usually do, but I actually kinda like how it came out. Very artistic. 


Anonymous said...

I like the vintage look of this whole image. The vignette also compliments that aspect by slightly warping the image. Good job on this photo.

Anonymous said...

I love how you manipulated the image and made the colors more vibrant to really make the photo pop and catch the eye. I love it! -AGG HHS