Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Hayden C - Winkie Face!!

 The title of this image is “Winkie Face!!” It was taken on February 6 with my canon camera. It was taken at the barn I work at and it of a lesson pony named Buttercup. It was taken later in the day when the sun was starting to go down, giving everything that golden color that everyone loves. I was attempting to get her ears forward to take a cute photo, but I was struggling until this moment and didn’t find out until later that she had one eye closed. At first I didn’t like it and thought it’d ruined the photo but I quickly fell in love with the funny face. I edited the photo by deepening the shadows and bringing down the highlights, along with making everything warmer. Her eyes water a lot, making the corners of them look gunky and gross, so I edited out that too along with brightening the iris of her only visible eye.


Anonymous said...

how hungry

Anonymous said...

I love the appearcnce if the horse. It looks so good. I also love the lighting. Honestley I dont see anything big to fix. Great job!!!

Anonymous said...

Great photo! I love all of the textures and colors in the picture and how the background is out of focus. The only way it could be better is if both of her eyes were open lol.

Anonymous said...

i Like this photo because it is almost even on both sides and very eye-appeasing

Anonymous said...

I like this photo!! Next time I would take a few pictures of the horse from different angles. I feel like if you did this you could get really cool pictures of the horse and how it looks from the side. I really like how it turned out though! Great job!! LD-HHS