Friday, February 7, 2025

Daniel K- Snowy Day

 I titled this image “snowy day”. It was taken through my window last week during Hoover’s snow day. It was taken with my phone and I edited it by dehazing along with increasing clarity as well as some color adjustments to give it a blue tone. I could’ve done better with the editing by removing the little light blotches from the window’s glass and I could’ve done better with the photo itself to make sure it wasn’t so incredibly grainy, which was what resulted in the editing outcome looking rather flat. I could have stuck with the grain to avoid this however in my mind it took away from the photo more than it added. 


Anonymous said...

I love this image, even if I'm biased because I like snow so much. I like the lighting with the dark sky and the small lights and such. Good picture man. - E.S. - HHS

Anonymous said...

This is a great photo! I love the dark color scheme with all of the blues. I also actually really like the graininess of the photo. Good job!

Anonymous said...

I love how the lighting of the photo is dark except for the street lights. The balance of light and dark in the photo is edited really well. I would definitely keep this picture and hang it on my wall because it feels nostalgic and it makes me think of Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy the haziness you added to the image. You said that you felt like the image was flat, but I disagree! I think that by having the image look this way it makes the viewer feel like they are looking at a photo of a past memory. I'm a big fan of the nostalgic feel to this. Great Picture!!- Chloe C