Friday, February 28, 2025

Daniel K- Capitol

 This image is called “Capitol” and I took it while we stopped in Tallahassee coming back from Sarasota sometime during this past summer (don’t remember the exact date, though). I used this image for an assignment a while back, so I don’t quite remember all the details of editing, but I know I adjusted lighting with saturation, brightness, luminance, etc as well as added slight color grading and some sharpening. The image could be better if I were to remove certain elements such as the building in the back or the sign out front but I hadn’t yet learned how to do so at the time of editing. Also, if I had visited at a different time, there wouldn’t be that ugly green-ish fence around the building; they were going through some construction when I took the picture. 


Anonymous said...

I really like this image! Contrary to what you say, I think all of the subtle elements add a bit of flare to the image, making it feel more real. One thing that I LOVE is the tree and the tree shadow. It's such a cool detail to include into the building. -Chloe C

Anonymous said...

XS - HHS: I really like how dark and cool-toned this image is. I think it gives the photo a very grave and serious vibe. I like that the tree pokes into the top of the frame and that we can see the shadow, it adds to the darkness of the photo. I think the exposure is a little low but that also adds to the vibe so it is a good artistic choice.I agree about the construction but I also think that it makes the photo feel more realistic, and sometimes you just have to work with what you have.

Anonymous said...

MB HHS - You slayed, king. I really like the darker colors of this image.

Anonymous said...

I really like this picture. Its an intresting picture it was also taken at a good angle and the focus of the picture is the building and you can tell. It's a nice picture. -RL

Anonymous said...

I love the cool tones and the shadows from the trees. This photo is FANTASTIC!!! Where were you when it was time for senior photos? I agree that it would be better if you did further editing. In the end, you tried and that is all that matters. Never give up and never stop being you! I love you Jewish man!!!

Anonymous said...

Keep Yourself Safe

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Daniel Alan Kanipe where were YOU for senior photos because this slayed KING.

Anonymous said...

my virgo king

Anonymous said...