Saturday, January 18, 2025

Tristen P- Perfect Harmony.

 This photo is named Perfect Harmony. I took this photo in the back room with my flute and my friend Irais’ clarinet. When editing this photo I raised the brightness while also increasing the saturation and contrast. I added more to the green color while I darkened around the base of the instruments. I also blurred the background and lightened around the head of the flute.


Anonymous said...

I really like this photo! The focus and lighting in the picture brings it together very well. The only thing I would say is increasing the exposure a bit to bring out the clarinet more, but regardless, it is a great photo. Good job!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this picture. The lighting and the way the shininess of the flute bends and reflects it is beautiful. Overall, I think the clarinet is slightly lost in the image but the flute is beautiful. I just love the colors so much! -RS HHS

Anonymous said...

This picture is beautiful! I really like how the keys of both instruments are blurred and the heads are in focus. I love the green you used for the lighting. Overall, this is very creative! -VS HHS

Anonymous said...

This is a really good photo. i love how the instruments are in focus and the rest is blurred out. I also like the the lighting of this photo. AM HHS

Anonymous said...

I love the lighting in this photo! I liked how you blurred the background and focused on the head of the instrument. I think you could’ve added a bit of definition but other than that I love it!!!

Anonymous said...

This is a pretty cool photo. I really like the blur and the focus on the instrument. I don't think it needed more editing. It's perfect the way it is. Keep taking more!