Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Maddie B- Black and White Clock

This picture is titled “Black and White Clock” because I edited it for the still life assignment, and it was a black and white version of one of my photos. I took this picture of my necklace (with a clock on it), some paper stars, and sequins last November with my camera. I drew the design on a piece of paper, and used that as the background. I edited the picture with camera raw, made it black and white, touched up some of the places where my drawing wasn’t very neat, and lightened some areas on the stars. It  was getting dark when I took this picture, and it would be better if I had taken it earlier when there was more light. I also struggled a bit with getting the clock in focus when I was taking pictures of these objects. Overall, though, I think it turned out pretty good.


Anonymous said...

I am quite impressed at how you managed to capture multiple reflective object and have most of them be in focus. The shape are quite pleasing to my eyes. Some of this image could be cropped out.

Anonymous said...

I love the aesthetic of this image. Black and white works well with it, and I really like pocket watches as well. I like the markings around the watch as well, and the shadow is a nice effect too. Overall, good picture. - E.S. - HHS

Anonymous said...

I really like the framing of this picture. The way the doodles swirl around it makes it feel kind of magical and the black and white makes it feel old like something out of a story book.
- E.B. - HHS

Anonymous said...

This looks really cool! It kind of has an Alice in Wonderland vibe. The doodles and paper stars around the clock is a very nice detail! Amazing job! -V.S. HHS

Anonymous said...

I love this photo! I think that the sketches and paper stars were a very creative idea. I also like how the color of the sequins match the color of the pocket watch.

Anonymous said...

I like how the image is in black and white. The contrast in dark and light objects creates a good balance in the photo. This photo makes me think of wonderland, and I would definitely hang this photo up.

Anonymous said...

I like how simple the photo look. I really likek your style of photographing. This is a very creative work with the paper stars and the drawings. I would show this to my friend. This is a great photo, keep taking more!

Anonymous said...

I really like how simple this photo looks. The background really ties the entire image together. Keep taking more. AM HHS