Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Ellie B- Studies

 The name of this photo is “Studies”. It was taken in the photo shoot room here at the school on November 8, 2024. I used a Cannon T-7 to take this picture. I edited this photograph to be black and white. I also added a burned-looking border around its edge. There could be more in the upper section of the frame. The subjects in this image are from a mix of my own schoolwork and a friend's books.


Anonymous said...

Great photo. All the books look old so they fit better into the photo and the back drop looks like a well used black board. overall a very good picture

Anonymous said...

I love the old black and white vibe this photo gives! Great job on the border and the backdrop. Really nice photo!!!

Anonymous said...

i love this picture! Everything about it looks good and i really like the way you made it look like an old photograph.

Anonymous said...

I really like this picture! Next time try and maybe add a vignette or something to make it more interesting. It's a little bland. I really like the concept though! Good job! LD-HHS

Anonymous said...

this photo is not so frickin tuff

Anonymous said...

Great picture! The main subject is in focus which is the books. If I were the photographer of this picture I would have cropped the image a little tighter. The mood this picture creates is a dark/sad time. Overall I like the outcome of this photo!

Anonymous said...

I like this picture because of how it doesn't look like a picture from recently, it looks like a picture from a long time ago and makes it seem eerie

Anonymous said...

I like this photo! I like how most of the books are in focus. I do like how the books are in the bottom half of the frame, though I wish it had been cropped to seem more straight instead of seeming slightly crooked. All in all, the photo gives a mood of intense studying and hard work. - CL HHS.