Friday, January 31, 2025

Chloe C- Taka

 The title of this image is, “Taka”. This cat wandered into our backyard during the snow we had a while back and my mom and i brought him inside away from the cold. Waiting for the roads to clear so we could take him to the vet, I named him Taka (lion king reference). I took this specific picture with my phone and used the photos app to make the sunlight stand out more. I like this image a lot, but I couldn’t decide whether to cut the door out or not. After a week of keeping Taka, we finally got him to the vet and found him microchipped and safely got him back to his owner. His real name was Nacho.


Anonymous said...

This is such a cute photo! I love how you captured the cats colors and made him the subject. I only wish he was more centered in the picture. - HHS AG

Anonymous said...

This is such a cute picture, this is very aesthetic. This looks like a very clean photo. I like how all the colors are all orange yellow or they match. Its a very adorable picture.HHS-RL

Anonymous said...

I love this photo a lot, and i think the choice of keeping the door in was a good one as the way it is gives the photo a more "homey" and aesthetic look that I really enjoy.


Anonymous said...

This image is quite focused on texture. You can see the individual follicles of hair on the cat and the small creases and crevices in the basket. This is quite a good image.