Friday, November 1, 2019

Ethan N - Three Points

This was taken on a trail near my house. It was taken on October 16th. It was taken with my Nikon camera. I brightened the photo and added shadows. It would me better if I could make the leaves darker and the tree lighter.


Anonymous said...

I like the colors of leaves but their look dark green to me.

Bryson S - HHS said...

I think this picture is really great compositionally! The leaves are definitely the center of attention, brought out by the shallow focus that brings out the texture of the tree. I think the picture involves a really cool color choice, where the green of the leaves stands boldly against the purple hue of the tree bark. This helps the subject stand out, and really helps add depth. My only criticism is that the leaf on the left is slightly out of focus, but other than that I think it really looks good!