Friday, September 30, 2016

Alyssa R- Home Sweet Home

My first image titled “Home Sweet Home” was taken back to where I am originally from, which is Los Angeles, California last Summer. Growing up, the beach(Newport Beach) was about 30 minutes away and we would skip school or go on the weekends to surf. It was taken with a Cannon Rebel. Every morning at 6:00 the beach was crawling with boards and wetsuits and that is the greatest memory I have carried with me throughout the years. It also has my father walking with his board and my aunt in the background just a few steps ahead. One of my favorite things to do is wake up early on a Sunday morning go to surf or taking pictures of surfing and somehow making it into the 9:00 church service. I did not edit the photo at all, I could have gotten rid of the water spot on the lens and made the colors brighter instead of gloomy. One of my favorite pictures with some of my favorite people.

Alicia U- Sunset

 This picture that I picked was a picture of a sunset. The picture was taken outside my aparment during my summer time. This picture was taken with a cannon rebel SL1 that I have had for about 6 months. I really did not edited this picture I just left it the way it is. I think I could have made it better probably taking it another angle.

Amber B- Purple flower

The name of my photo is Purple Flower. It was taken in Enterprise, AL at four thirty p.m. The picture was taken by a Nikon d3500 and I edited by sharpening the image and using a couple filters tor bring out the purple. It could be better by being off centered and out of the middle. I could remove the camera angle up to remove the merger coming out of the bottom of the picture.

Brandon H- Snake

This is a picture of Idaho’s Snake River. I took this on a bus using a nikon digital camera. It was rally hard to do because I had to move until all reflections and glare were removed. The bus threatened to fall off the road and down the cliff face many times but nobody cared because of the view. I edited it by upping the saturating a tiny tiny bit, and I really don’t think I could have done anything to make it better other than taking the picture at night when the stars were out.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Sarah H- Venus

Title of this image is Venus. It was taken in the Botanical Gardens shop on April 11, 2016. I took this picture with a Canon Rebel T5. I have not edited this picture. It could be better in I had taken it in manual instead of automatic.

Alli J.- "A Night Sky Full Of Color"

The name of this picture Is “A Night Sky Full Of Color” and it was taken on my IPhone 6 back camera a little bit after the sun started setting. This photo was taken on July 19th 2016 over the summer of this year. I edited this photo using I Photo And it is very heavily edited, The original picture did not have all the pink, blues, and yellow colors so heavy editing created this and made the trees appear much much darker than the original. I honestly think this photo could have been better if there was like moonlight or stars in the sky as well so the sky wouldn’t look as plain. but i still really love the way this photo turned out.

Ben S- Sound Board (First post for 16-17 school year)

This photo is called “Sound Board”, and it is a picture of the sound board in the youth room of my church. It is taken with a Canon Rebel XS. I took this photo at my church in the dark. I edited it by taking out all the dust, correcting the white balance, bringing out the highlights, and turning up definition and sharpness. It could be better if I had turned some of the lights on on the sound board.